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Show surnames starting with
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All surnames beginning with S, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. SAKEMAN (2) 2. SAMPSON (4) 3. SATTERFIELD (197) 4. SCHMIDT (20) |
5. SCHNABEL (2) 6. SCHULTZ (2) 7. SCOTT (4) 8. SELLMAN (2) |
9. SHARON (2) 10. SHIFFLET (2) 11. SHIFLETT (6) 12. SHIRLEY (2) |
13. SIMMERS (26) 14. SIMS (3) 15. SIPE (6) 16. SMITH (22) |
17. SNOKE (2) 18. SPARROW (4) 19. STATON (2) 20. STAYLOR (24) |