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- Rockingham County, Virginia Census, 1900 Surname: Calhoun Given Name: John W. Relationship: Head Color or Race: W Sex: M Date: 6/8/00 Page #: 7A Line #: 16 Dwelling #: 124 Family #: 126 Month of Birth: March Year of Birth: 1858 Age at last Birthday: 42 Marital Status: M Number of years Married: 22 Father's place birth: Virginia Mother's place birth: Virginia Occupation (persons over 10): Farmer Can Read: Yes Can Write: Yes Can Speak English: Yes Own or Rent Home: Own Own Free or Mortgage: Mortgage Farm or Home: Farm # of Farm Schedule: Census Year: 1900 Microfilm/Roll #: T623/1726 State: Virginia Township/City: Ashby Dist. part of Mt. Crawford precinct County: Rockingham Supervisor District: 7 Enumeration District: 55 Enumerator: Henry A. Convers